

Yiliang Peter Peng better known as Doublelift, is an American content creator, streamer, and semi-professional and former-professional League of Legends ...

Doublelift returns to pro play with new League of Legends team

Doublelift is making a comeback to the League of Legends pro scene, but this time, he's bringing other legends along with him.


Yiliang Doublelift Peng (born July 19, 1993) is a retired American League of Legends player who last played for Near Airport.

Doublelift - Leaguepedia

Yiliang Peter Doublelift Peng (Hanzi: 彭亦亮) is a League of Legends esports player, currently bot laner for Near Airport. Doublelift/Tournament Results · Doublelift/Statistics/2023 · Doublelift/Match History

Yiliang Doublelift Peng (@yiliangpeng) · Instagram photos and Reels

Won the Samsung #PlayGalaxy Cup with a cracked team! while I was competing, Leena stopped by the great Samsung booth at TwitchCon San Diego to check out all ...

Doublelift#NA1 - Summoner Stats - League of Legends

Doublelift#NA1 / Challenger 1 1154LP / 154Win 134Lose Win rate 53% / Jinx - 52Win 30Lose Win rate 63%, Jhin - 18Win 21Lose Win rate 46%, Twitch - 16Win ...


Doublelift streams League of Legends. 1.8M followers Twitter Instagram Youtube Follow Subscribe Home About Schedule Videos Clips Past Broadcast


I'm big brother Doublelift AKA Peter Peng, 8x NA LCS Champion (thats the most of anyone), and gamer extraordinaire. Everyone else is.

Yiliang Peng (@Doublelift1) X

It has come to my attention that LEC is broadcasting Winter playoffs at the same time as NACL Open Qualifiers? Poor planning for LEC to stream over the ...


彭亦亮(英語:Yiliang Peter Peng,—),以遊戲代號Doublelift著名,是一位美國職業《英雄聯盟》射手,目前效力於100 Thieves。他也曾在Counter Logic Gaming( ...


YiliangPeterPengbetterknownasDoublelift,isanAmericancontentcreator,streamer,andsemi-professionalandformer-professionalLeagueofLegends ...,DoubleliftismakingacomebacktotheLeagueofLegendsproscene,butthistime,he'sbringingotherlegendsalongwithhim.,YiliangDoubleliftPeng(bornJuly19,1993)isaretiredAmericanLeagueofLegendsplayerwholastplayedforNearAirport.,YiliangPeterDoubleliftPeng(Hanzi:彭亦亮)isaLea...